I-DO 2024

The 2024 International Conference on Information Technology, Data Science, and Optimization

May 22-24, 2024

Taipei, Taiwan



ACM Conference Proceedings

SCI-indexed special issues

JISE is in the progress of applying

I-DO 2024

We are pleased to announce that the International Conference on Information Technology, Data Science and Optimization (I-DO 2024) will be held in hybrid (both online and in person) from May 22 to May 24, 2024 in Taipei, Taiwan. 

I-DO 2024 is a premier event that aims to bring together academic researchers and professional practitioners from diverse disciplines to promote cross-disciplinary research and collaboration on data related issues. In the new data age, where numerous challenges arise for human livelihood and social civilization, I-DO 2024 provides a platform for leading scientists, engineers, researchers, practitioners, educators and students to share their experiences, latest research findings, and technological advancements in the fields of Information Technology, Data Science, and Optimization. By fostering collaboration and facilitating research and networking opportunities, the conference seeks to drive innovation and advancement in these areas.

We invite submissions from researchers, professionals, and students to present and discuss their new research findings, recent innovations, technical advances, work-in-progress, case studies, new ideas and concepts and practical challenges encountered in the domains of Information Technology, Data Science, and Optimization. The conference program will feature high-quality long papers, short papers, posters and abstracts along with keynote lectures, workshops, special sessions, doctoral consortium, and technical presentations.

All submissions will undergo a rigorous peer review process. Accepted submissions will be published by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) in its prestigious ACM International Conference Proceeding Series (ICPS). Furthermore, selected high-impact full-text papers and extended revised versions of all other submissions will be invited for publication in special journal issues of Journal of Information Science and Engineering , Journal of Internet Technology, and Electronics.

Paper Submission

Papers can be submitted online: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ido2024

Important Dates

March 25, 2024  

March 25, 2024 

April 1, 2024

April 30, 2024

April 15, 2024

May 22-24, 2024


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